from the New York Metropolitan rea, Ashley Coll studied
art at Vassar, Columbia, Hofstra University, The Art Students'
League in New York and the Du Cret School of Art in New
Jersey. Ashley also has her Master’s degree in Applied
Art. She shared her talents and knowledge as an instructor
at several community colleges and the University of Virginia's
Far Eastern Division in Okinawa.
Although Ashley has worked in various mediums (ceramics,
oil, and metal, creating a line of avant garde jewelry),
the chosen medium for her most recent work is watercolor,
acrylic, Chinese inks and rice paper on canvas. She achieves
her visual effects by applying multiple layers of glazes
and occasionally acrylic gels for texture.
Ashley attempts to present vignettes of nature in an up
close and personal way. "I don't want to stand
back from nature and view the broad picture, but prefer
to examine it under my microscope presenting a more intimate
portrayal. I attempt to create a world of beauty and mystery
the viewer will want to enter, and in entering, discover
something uniquely visionary."
In her latest series, Cosmic Queries, Ashley Coll has immersed
herself in the mythic archetypical questions, about the
universe, that man has been asking for a millennia. She
sees the macrocism and microcism as mirrored images of a
connected whole… “as above so below.”
In this latest series, Ashley seeks to draw the viewer into
her provocative quest and provoke the awe and wonder she
sees in the universe.